Let’s Talk Meritocracy



Is Meritocracy a myth?

Democracy, coming from the Greek word demos and kratos, means rule by all citizens

Autocracy, coming from the Greek word autos and kratos, means rule by one person

Meritocracy, coming from the Latin word mereo and the Greek word kratos, means rule by those selected based on merit

Ability * Effort = Merit

In political terms Meritocracy is rule, getting to take high polical positions based on Merit.

In economical terms a Meritocracy is, when people work they will earn a salary based on their Merit, rather than social class, race, gender etc.

In other words people can grow from rags to riches in a single lifetime when using their ability and effort

Interestingly this sounds like much the same like the American Dream, but are The US or any country really that Meritocratic?

The opposite of a Meritocratic economy is one in which social class, background and inherited wealth are the bigger factors for a persons to determine their job position. Or where just mere chance determines a large part of it.

The ability of a person certainly plays a bigger role in their job position then let’s say the medieval period. But factors other then ability still play a big role for people their wealth in most countries


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