By using our payment service, you need an Ostrita or BES account. You are only allowed to tranfer BES when you have a positive amount on your account. The person you wish to transfer credit to must have an Ostrita or BES account. In order to protect our community accounts there is an automatic limit of transfer of 100 BES/day. If you wish to cancel this limit you can to that via email: Stating that you wish to cancel your automatic limit. Please use the same email as you use for your BES/Ostrita account. Please understand BES is used as a community coin (e.g. tipping for dinners, sending small gifts), and it is not advised to treat it in a different way, such as an investement. BES is not an official currency and has no guarenteed intrinsic value, BES is also free to shut down it’s system at any time when it sees reason to do so. Automatic limits can be changed by our moderators. BES is not liable for any losses, errors in transactions other than technical errors.